a mask exactly the shape of the subject. This, I learned later, is just what the SP manual says to do (I naturally had to run out and get myself a copy of PSP). I had SuperPaint “Autotrace” the shell outline-only, which placed an outline copy on the Draw layer; an object that could then be filled with opaque white. Then I created my screened boxes behind the mask and added my favorite bitmap type, which was also “live” and susceptible to smoothing by the LaserWriter.
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Each of these samples
were produced in less than a minute, brainlessly and without pain.
It’s evening. My entertainment options are quickly narrowing. My “Better Half” is hogging the T.V., and the car has two pints of petrol left. So... I’ll fire up the
-- part contents for card part 6
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Mac and “game away” the time. But alas... “Stunt Copter” has lost all its thrill. What can I do! Help! A Very Bored Person. I always wanted to be a computer artist! But I never will be. Why?
Because if it ain’t
finished in ten minutes
I get bored and fidgety.
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This graphic was created for a Monte Carlo night flyer. The Jack was digitized using MacVision, and then hand-traced in Aldus Freehand. One half of the Jack was drawn, then rotated and copied to create the mirror image. The original image was designed in two colors- red and black. The complete image took about six hours to create. - Robert Zusman